This easy blueberry cream cheese pie will quickly become your favorite blueberry pie recipe. The surprise sweetness of the cream cheese layer adds a delicious twist you will love.
Make a pie crust using your favorite pie crust recipe (or the pie crust ingredients above).
Roll out the pie crust and place it in a pie pan. Poke the bottom with multiple holes using a fork.
Bake your pie crust at 475 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. Cool the pie crust.
In a mixer, cream together cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla and Cool Whip.
Spread the cream cheese mixture over the cooled pie crust.
Top the cream cheese with blueberry pie filling.
If you are making your own homemade blueberry pie filling, combine 3/4 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons corn starch, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1/2 cup water in a sauce pan.
Add in 4 cups of fresh or frozen blueberries. Cook this mixture over medium heat until thick enough that it coats the back of your spoon.
Cool your homemade pie filling before spreading it on top of the pie.
Refrigerate blueberry pie until ready to serve. Enjoy!