Life with Emma
Hello, everyone! Let’s consider this my return to blogging, shall we, as well as an update on life in our household now with Emma. I had planned to resume blogging a week or two ago but the adjustment period (while relatively smooth) has still been keeping me plenty busy. Being a mom of 2 under 2 and caring for my kids while maintaining the house and resuming my various part-time jobs has kept me hopping! We are all settling into our new routines and that is good. So let’s talk about our little Miss Emma, shall we?
Emma was born on March 16 and we came home from the hospital on March 20. I ended up with a repeat c-section due to my doctor’s concerns about her size. It was not my original plan, but God always knows best, and everything went smoothly. It was a lovely experience to have Emma in my hospital room with me all the time, since Nathan was in the NICU during his hospital stay. She has nursed well from the start and just like her brother, loves her food! The difference is that Emma is growing much quicker. She was 10 pounds already at her 2 week check-up and has the chubby cheeks to prove it!
We are also very thankful that Emma likes to sleep! Even coming home from the hospital, she sleeps in long stretches through the night. I generally wake only once or twice with her, since she does a 6 hour stretch at some point throughout the night. It makes keeping up with her big brother a lot easier when I’m a bit more rested. Most days, Emma and Nathan nap at the same time in the afternoon so I am now using that as my work time. Of course, I end up holding Emma for some of that and I never know how long Nathan’s naps will go, so it’s a work time that varies greatly day to day!
Emma was baptized on Easter Sunday at the SonRise service. Her one set of baptismal sponsors flew in from Nebraska for the weekend and her other set drove down from Michigan for the service. It was a special day to celebrate Emma’s new life in Christ because of Christ’s resurrection. It was also my mother-in-law’s birthday that day, so we had lots to celebrate! She wore the baptismal gown I wore (as well as all my siblings) and all the Barz grandchildren have worn. She was the 7th grandchild to wear this baptismal gown. I love family traditions!
After Emma’s birth and baptism, it was time to celebrate Nathan’s 2nd birthday! Nathan and Emma are almost exactly (minus 2 weeks) two years apart. I can’t believe our little boy is 2 years old already since  (in some ways) it seems like we were just bringing him home from the hospital! We kept things simple. We bought Pizza Hut pizza and celebrated with my in-laws. My sister and her husband surprised us by spontaneously bringing their little boy down for the day. Nathan loved playing with his cousin Zeke! I did make a Curious George cake which turned out rather nicely, I think.
Andy had Spring Break shortly after Emma was born so that was nice to have him home with us. It made life smoother in those early weeks to have his help at home. After he returned to school, my Mom came for a visit from Texas. It was nice to have her around for a week! We went on daily walks, drove up to Michigan for a day to see my sister, went grocery shopping, and simply enjoyed our time together. I will say that the older I get the faster our family visits go. The miles between Texas and Indiana are many so we are very thankful for Skype!
Those are the big events of Emma’s first 6 weeks. She has started to smile already and loves to be held. She’s a very calm baby and doesn’t cry much – except when we’re driving in the car! She doesn’t like her car seat right now, so hopefully that phase passes soon because we have lots of driving planned for our summer vacation in June! She has big eyes that like to take everything in – even when her big brother is right up in her face telling her how much he loves her. It’s so sweet but I do have to keep my eye on my enthusiastic boy who wants to help with “his baby”.
My days are currently filled with lots of diaper changes, nursing sessions on the couch as I read books to Nathan, walks around town for exercise and to get out of the house, and squeezing in work moments whenever I can. It’s graduation season so my custom book orders for my Biblical version of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” are keeping me quite busy! I’ve learned to write quite nicely holding a newborn! I’m so thankful that I can continue supplementing our family income by working from home.
My plan is to resume blogging this week. We may have some weeks of only 2 posts instead of 3 but I’ll be here on a regular basis. I enjoy writing and sharing with you all. I’ve missed blogging over the past weeks but needed the time with to focus on my family. Thank you all for understanding and supporting that! What’s new with you and your family these days?
I have to say that I am so impressed with your ability to hold it all together. There are nights when Thomas is fussing and Jane wants “mama time” and I feel like I’m going to explode! Reading your posts make me feel like I’m a real wimp. Hahaha.
I’m so glad I can read your blog and keep up with you. Our lives continue to parallel as we raise our March babies.
Thomas’ colic is much more under control now. He still suffers a bit of gassiness and often needs help calming down for the night. But he sleeps well and I’ve managed to spread out his day and night feeds to nearly 4 hours. What a relief! Next step: regulate his nap schedule. We’ll see how that goes.
We keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work at home and online, friend.
Oh, don’t worry! I have plenty of moments when I feel like I’m going to explode. What mom of multiple ones doesn’t? 🙂 I’m so glad Thomas is doing better. Our nights do well but naps are much less scheduled with Emma than Nathan. She has to go with the flow a little bit more. Still, she’s a good sleeper so I’m not complaining. Likewise, you’re in my thoughts and prayers too! Hang in there, mama!
So happy for an update! I’m glad all is going well and Emma’s entrance was healthy! Been thinking of you and praying for you and yours. Welcome back and beautiful job Momma!
Thanks, Christina! Emma’s arrival was much less eventful than her big brother’s, and we are very thankful for that. Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement, Christina!
Aw! What sweet photos! My kids are two years apart too and I remember the adjustment period of trying to figure out how to balance the needs of both! The fun part is when they finally start playing and entertaining each other, it makes the sibling relationship so special!
That’s exactly where I am, Vera…but we’re excited to have 2 so they can play with one another! I’m going to remind Nathan, someday, about he used to love his little sister’s “cute, tiny toes.”