At Home with Nathan

I know my last update was from the hospital so I wanted to stop by with the joyful news that we brought Nathan home from the hospital last Friday. My discharge and his actually were on the same day which was wonderful, because I didn’t want to leave him there alone. It is so good to have Nathan home with us!

Coming Home from the Hospital

As I mentioned before, Nathan’s stay in the NICU was necessary due to respiratory issues. The hospital ran lots of tests on Nathan and feel confident there will be no lasting effects from this rocky start. We are very thankful for the care Nathan received from Dr. Pebble and his nurses. It’s amazing to think that a week ago, this was our first view of Nathan.

Nathan in the NICU

Now, this is the how our sweet baby boy looks only one week later. God is indeed good!

One Week Old Nathan

We thank God for covering Nathan with his healing touch. There were so many other precious babies in the NICU that were smaller than Nathan, and will not be leaving nearly as quickly. My heart goes out to all mothers and fathers – but especially those who sit beside the hospital bed of their babies. Nathan’s story didn’t begin as we planned – in so many ways – but God’s way continues to teach us that He is with us through it all.

As I said before, we are thankful to be home together! Nathan and I were sad to see Andy return to school on Monday, but Nathan saved lots of cuddles for his Daddy when he returned. My mom is here to help us for the next week, and my mother-in-law is only a phone call away. It’s lovely to have their help! For now, we are adjusting to new sleeping and feeding schedules and planning for company this weekend as we celebrate Nathan’s baptism. I pray all is well with you and your families!

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  1. Beautiful and so glad you guys are home! Your faith is humbling and inspiring! Good luck with your first week at home! Prayers to you and yours!

    1. Kristen

      The Real Person!

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      The Real Person!

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      Thank you, Christina. My faith is just a part of who I am, because I could not have handled the emotional events of the past month without God’s grace to see me through. Thank you for the prayers! We greatly appreciate them!

  2. Hi Kristen!
    I know I said it before but it is worth repeating, he is just so beautiful! He has changed so much in a week! Thank you so very much for taking the time to update us. Will continue to keep him and you in my prayers.

    1. Kristen

      The Real Person!

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      The Real Person!

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      Thanks, Barb! It is amazing how much he changes – almost daily! My husband wants to take a picture a day to document all the changes. We’ll see if we can keep that up for his whole first year! 🙂

  3. So thankful that you and Nathan are home and doing well! He is so precious!

    My sister was 7 weeks premature and had to spend 10 days in the NICU. Her lungs were fulled developed and she wasn’t too small which helped her get out of there faster than some.

    1. Kristen

      The Real Person!

      Author Kristen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      The Real Person!

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      Thanks, Kati! We think Nathan is precious as well, and it’s nice to hear others agree! 🙂 The modern marvels of NICU are indeed a blessing.

  4. wow, he already looks older in just a week or maybe it’s just the picture. I don’t know you at all but I feel like I do from reading your blog. You guys must be over the moon with joy and happiness and just think you get to be a sahm. So many ladies would love to do that. You and your husband were smart to be and make financially smart plans all along.
    Have you ever thought of leading some kind of classes? I know you can’t now being that you are new parents but I think a lot of folks could really use some helpful information and advice from someone who isn’t a so called expert, like Suzy or Dave Ramsey. There is nothing wrong with either of them. They know their stuff but they are millionares and some times I think they forget what it is like to be a regular joe. Your skills at groceries is phenomonal and I can only imagine how you apply those same skills to other areas.
    Your blog is a blessing! Plus I love reading fellow LCMS’ers!!

    1. Kristen

      The Real Person!

      Author Kristen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      The Real Person!

      Author Kristen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      Thank you, Lee Ann! I really appreciate the compliments. I’ve led some local couponing classes – and will be speaking to our MOPS group at church in May. I love the challenge of saving money, even more so now that it is becoming my full-time job so I can stay at home with Nathan. And I love sharing ideas, strategies and resources with others. If I ever figure out how to lead online classes, you’ll be the first to know!

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