How to Get Tree Sap Off Your Hands
We bought our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving like is our family tradition. There really is nothing like the smell of a fresh-cut Christmas tree! Living up North, I appreciate the beautiful Christmas trees – and how much less they cost than the imported Christmas trees we bought in Texas.
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Due to a busy season, it took us a couple days to get the Christmas tree in its stand in the house (my husband’s task). It took another week to get the lights on (my task). By the time the lights were on, I waited yet another night for more energy to tackle the decorating. I’m approaching this Christmas season slower this year, showing my 6 month pregnant self lots of grace.
As my husband and I set up and decorated our tree, we both had the same dilemma. How could we get the sticky tree sap off our hands? Everyone who’s ever had a live Christmas tree knows exactly what I’m talking about. Tree sap is one of the stickiest substances around and it can be so challenging to get off.
Not anymore! I discovered a quick and simple way to get all the tree sap off your hands. It’s so simple that I can’t believe I didn’t know this before. This post is coming from my practical excitement and in hopes that it helps others who are facing the annoying problem of how to get tree sap off your hands.
Are you ready for this? The answer is so simple, you’re going to be amazed. The solution to sticky tree sap?
Peanut butter.
Yes, you read that correctly. Peanut butter.
Now, obviously, please don’t try this if you have a peanut allergy in your house. For the rest of you, remember this trick and thank me later!
When you get tree sap on your hands, simply scoop a teaspoon or so of peanut butter into your hands and rub it all over. (I used creamy peanut butter but crunchy peanut butter should work too if that is what you have.) Pretend like you are washing your hands with peanut butter.
Once you have thoroughly coated your hands in peanut butter, just rinse it off with soap and water as usual. You’ll be amazed to see that when the peanut butter is washed away, not one bit of tree sap remains!
I tested this several times during the hanging of lights as well as the decorating and every time, I was amazed at how well this simple pantry item fixed an annoying problem!
It’s unusual but effective. Maybe your tree is already up this year, but tuck this random piece of knowledge away until next time your hands are coated in sticky tree sap.
And yes, you are welcome that I shared this odd tidbit with you today!
Do you have any unusual but effective tips to share with me? I’d love to hear them!
What a quirky tip! I had no idea! We didn’t get a lot of tree sap on our hands this year, but we have in years past. I’ll have to remember this for future reference 🙂
Isn’t it, though? It’s something to file away, because it’s hard to forget now that you know! 🙂