Everything You Need to Know about How to Stockpile

I’m a firm believer in the importance of having a stockpile – mind you, a realistic stockpile. Having a stockpile is one of the things that saves me the most on my grocery bill. When I see a great deal, I buy more than what I will need just this week but for several weeks or months to come. This is stockpiling at its simplest.

I know many people wonder how to stockpile. It’s overwhelming figuring out exactly how to begin. Even if you’ve been stockpiling awhile, there are always ways to save more when building your stockpile.

This is where you need to start.

Consider this is your everything you need to know guide about how to stockpile.

This guide came about from my dozen years of building and maintaining a stockpile. There are printable lists, step by step articles of how to get started, and ideas for how to save more as you stockpile. There is something for everyone included below!

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I hope these articles will help you as you build your stockpile. Here are some in-depth stockpiling articles for you to read and reference and pin. Click on any of the titles to read more.

10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill without Coupons

Start by learning some simple ways to cut your grocery bill without using coupons. (If you do use coupons, you can cut your bill even lower!) Anyone can start cutting their grocery bill with these easy tips. And yes, stockpiling is on this list!

How to Start Building a Stockpile

When you are ready to get started stockpiling, this in-depth article goes step by step on exactly how to get started building a stockpile. You start slowly and simply, building a stockpile over time. As you start building your stockpile, you will see your grocery bill drop!

10 Items to Stockpile in a Pantry

A stockpile looks different for every family. You should stockpile the things your family uses on a regular basis. Knowing that, here are 10 items that every family can and should stockpile, with some bonus items too. This is a great place to start if you are wondering exactly what to stockpile.

Free Printable Stock-Up Price List

To save the most money when building a stockpile, you want to purchase items at their lowest prices. Sometimes this means finding a great sale and sometimes it means using coupons. However you find the great deals, this printable list will help you know what prices are good prices to stockpile a particular item.

Free Printable of Seasonal Sale Cycles

Did you know that sales go in cycles? Every 6 to 8 weeks, the sales repeat. In addition to regular sales, there are seasonal sale cycles that change by the month and season. Print out this list so you know what items to add to your stockpile each season when they are on sale.

The Best Coupon Apps to Use – to Help You Build Your Stockpile on a Budget

You certainly can stockpile without using any coupons, but using coupons helps your money go further. I find myself using less paper coupons but I do use this coupon app on a regular basis. These two apps save – and make – me money every week when I shop. The money that I earn using coupon apps is used for more stockpiling.

How to Stockpile Diapers

If you have a little one in diapers, be sure to read through this article about how to stockpile diapers. It’s a long one with lots of details about how I built a stockpile of over 2000 diapers for under $100. Yes, it takes time and some planning but I think it’s well worth the time spent. Having a stockpile of diapers is a practical way to save money on your baby. 

How to Build a Stockpile that Saves Your Family Money

Finally, be sure to read this article on how to build a stockpile that works for you and saves your family money. Stockpiling does have some general principles that apply to everyone but what you stockpile varies from family to family. This article has some good reminders on just how to build a stockpile that works for your family.

How to Build a Stockpile Today

If you are ready to start building a stockpile, here are the two stockpiling rules you need to know – and lots of helpful tips to help you start building a stockpile right away.

Are you ready to start building your stockpile? If you have any questions, be sure to ask in the comments and I will do my best to help!

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  1. I’m new to stockpiling. Do you rotate your items according “best by date”? How do you store items to make it easy to rotate? Thanks.

    1. Kristen

      The Real Person!

      Author Kristen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      The Real Person!

      Author Kristen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Good question, Diana! I do rotate items by the expiration date. I simply organize the canned goods or boxes on my shelf by best by date. When I buy new items, I try to always put them behind the items I already have in my stockpile to easily keep it current.

  2. Good advice though be careful on the diapers. If you’ve got three boxes of size 2’s and suddenly they grow out of them, you have a bunch of diapers that you can no longer used. Many places will straight up exchange unopened boxes, but I’d imagine if you stockpiled, you might run the risk of going past the date of whatever exchange policy they might have.

    1. Kristen

      The Real Person!

      Author Kristen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      The Real Person!

      Author Kristen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Yes, indeed. I go into this on my diaper stockpiling article quite a bit. Some do let you stockpile. If you are planning on having more children, having extra in a certain size isn’t an issue. Otherwise, it’s good to be cautious. However, extra diapers always make a great baby gift! 🙂

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