Most Important Work

A couple weeks ago, I saw a picture on Instagram that instantly touched my heart. It was a wall hanging that said, “The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.”

Questions flooded through my mind instantly. Why have I never heard this quote before? What better reminder is there for a mom than this? Where could I get this print for my house?

I loved this quote because it was a perfect reminder for me in this season of my life. Being a wife and mom is my privilege, my responsibility and (in very Lutheran terms) my vocation. Faith formation starts at home which means we need to embrace the opportunities in our home.

It doesn’t matter whether we work outside the home or not. It doesn’t matter whether we have little ones or our children are grown. This is true no matter the age and stage of our lives. This quote isn’t intended to produce guilt but rather a gentle reminder of the importance of our task as wives and mothers. Put simply, our home is an important place to be. 

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As I wrote a couple weeks ago, I struggle with attempting to do it all. I am working hard at being still and cherishing the moments – and the little ones – that God has given me. While I am thankful for all the various part-time work opportunities I have been given (including this blog), my family comes first. This quote reminded me to focus on my home first.

Yes, there are days when things don’t go as planned. There are times when temper tantrums and tears are prevalent. There are weeks when we feel behind and overwhelmed. But there are also days when laughter is heard and hugs are freely given. There are those precious moments when, for an instant, everything is running smoothly as you intended.

Regardless of the good or the bad, the day or the week, I firmly believe that the most important work we will ever do is within our homes. 

Back to this print. The blogger said she got it at Hobby Lobby. I put it on my list for the next time I was at Hobby Lobby and decided to use some of my birthday money to buy a print for our house.

That weekend, a free 8×10 print at Walgreens came along and I had the idea to quickly create my own print of this beautiful quote. I opened up Canva and in just a couple minutes, picked a font and a simple background. I knew I wanted to hang this quote in our bedroom where I would see it everyday.

I sent it off to Walgreens and was happy to pick it up the next day. I quickly put it in a 8×10 frame that I already had around the house and hung it in our bedroom.

The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home. I love this quote - and this free printable!

I loved this quote so much, I wanted to share it with you! You can download the 8×10 print I created by right clicking and saving the image above. (Note: The grey background is solid in this print which is different from the one hanging in my bedroom. I changed it after I picked it up for better contrast.)

Feel free to print it and display it somewhere in your house where it will remind you of how important your role as wife and mother is. May it encourage us all to stay focused on the most important work we have to do within our homes. 

What quotes have you read that touched your heart?

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  1. Just thought you might like to know where this quote came from and what the full quote was. I smiled when I recognized it, as it’s one I love as well! The full quote is “The most important of the Lord’s work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own homes.” It’s by Harold B. Lee, who was the leader of another Christian church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m a member of that church and love how much you bring Christ and the role of a mother into your blog, as that is something we believe in strongly as well. Thank you for your thoughts on this every blog post! It’s refreshing to see someone else who believes that a mother’s work at home is the most important work she can do in this life.

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